Monday, November 26th

As you learn to orientate your whole being to your Heavenly Father's loving will and purpose and subject your every action to Our Holy Spirit's guidance so will love begin to prompt, guide, inspire and enable all you do. In all the people and circumstances you encounter in your daily round, learn to project your heart and mind into a loving, caring disposition. Constantly recall, as you go on your way, that this is the Father's world, created by Him to radiate His joy and reveal His love. As you live in the light and power of this knowledge and commitment so will you become, in the process of time and experience, a reflection of His love.

For I will become the power and the light. My Incarnate Presence may be seen in the Father's children of all times who have entertained My Presence, receiving the dynamic of Our Spirit's guiding.

Such power and light unites all who learn to live in the circumstance of unconditional love. Freely I move between the minds and hearts and lives of the committed, uniting each to other in one great fellowship of love in the vast embrace of the Father's cohering all-pervasive life.