November 18th
Jesus said
to the people, "This is the work
that God requires: believe in the
one whom He has sent … The bread
that God gives comes down from Heaven
and brings life to the world . …
I am the bread of life."
6 :29-35
All that is required of the Father's
beloved children is that they live
and walk in faith and love - faith
and obedience to the Father's loving
purpose and love for Him and all
the children of men. And to see
and know and understand this, with
the power to walk in the way of
it, is through My life laid down
in love and raised in power and
Come to Me, beloved of the Father,
children of His love. As I am the
life of all who walk in love, so
am I the way of all who seek to
live in love, the truth of all who
understand the power of it to bring
them to the heart of it.
As I am the Bead of Life, so am
I the Light, the Way, and the Power.
Each child of the loving Heavenly
Father is brought along the way
by My loving, guiding hand, each
led according to his need and place
in the Father's glorious plan. Each
one is free to accept the way for
him or to refuse. Most come uncertainly
along the way, receiving as they
will love's constant loving hold.
I who was broken for the world's
salvation constantly give Myself
for the building up of each and
every one of the Father's children
in eternal life.