Friday, November 30th
St. Andrew
Jesus said to Peter and Andrew, "Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men." And they left all and followed Him. Going on from there He saw James and John, and He called them. At once they followed Him.
Matthew 4:18-19

Our life, Our light and Our love are round about and within all the children of men who walk in faith and trust, for all the children of men are created by their Heavenly Father and He has loved them into existence.

And for each and every one there is a time for new departure, new endeavour in love and service. Only the Father knows the times and situation appointed for each one to come or go or stay to serve and glorify Him where they are.

To each I come, with each I stay as I am welcomed and invited. I am the life and light and love, creating faith and trust in all who listen to My speaking, responding to My call and guidance in their life and living.

According to the faithful following in faith and loving trust to those who listen and obey their call to action so do they grow in knowledge, understanding and wisdom. And I am the unity between all such proclaiming through their hearts and minds and lives the Father's love for all. For I am the Saving Love, the Resurrection Life : I call every one to follow Me.