Saturday November 10th
St. Leo the Great
When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi He put this question to His Disciples, "Who do people say the Son of Man is?"
Matthew 16:13

How can the Father's children love, serve and obey precepts, power or person that they do not know, and how can they know unless they seek, and how will they seek unless they care?

Constantly, ceaselessly I seek to lead the sons of men, beloved children of their Heavenly Father, to the path of progress in the way. Many respond, though blindly, following lesser lights to guide them on the way, powered by feeble energies, guided by uncertain landmarks. Each jostles other in uncertain progress. Some grow weary and abandon all endeavours, some are carried on the shoulders of their friends, others shuffle hopelessly to their life's end. Yet they will be received into the realms of joy unless they have forsworn their glorious destiny, for through My death and resurrection I have enabled all so to progress.

As each beloved child of the Father's loving grows into conscious relationship with the world in which he lives, so is he challenged into reaction to that which is presented to him from his soul's centre. And I am that which challenges, furthers and fulfils. I am the love which enfolds, embraces, and I beckon, guide, enlighten and enfire. And all who respond as they are led and challenged progress in joy and certainty whatever betides. Such is the Father's will for all his children.