Monday, November 12th
St. Josophat
Jesus prayed, ",,,, Holy Father, I pray also …. For those who through their words will believe in Me. May they be one in Us and You are in Me and I in You, so that the world may believe that it was You who sent Me …. I have made Your Name known to them …. So that the love with which you loved Me may be in them and so that I may be in them."
John 17:10-13

Desire above all else the love which the Father yearns to bestow upon you. So will you be increasingly empowered to do His will and to serve your fellow men and women according to His loving will and good purpose. And having desired it with your whole heart and mind, receive it as you are endowed, employ it as you are shown.

So will you find Our Presence and Our joy become the very fabric of your being and all that you endure will show the pattern of My circumstance of love and loving, all contained and interpenetrated by the circumstance of joy. And as Our faithful ones identify with My great oblation so do they rejoice in the victory of My salvation. And all is caught up in unceasing joy.

Know, then, the unity of life and living for all who give themselves in love. For Father, Son and Loving Spirit surround and fill the lives of all who truly live in Us
and We in them.