February 8th
said ,"I watched Satan
fall like lightening out of
the sky. And now you see that
I have given you the power
to tread underfoot snakes
and scorpions and all the
forces of the enemy, and nothing
will ever harm you. Nevertheless,
what you should rejoice over
is that your names are written
in Heaven."
Alien forces amass around
the souls and causes which
joyfully embrace My way.
and submit to Our loving
embrace. Do not give them
quarter in any particular
or they will beguile and
betray. They have the power
of destruction - but only
if they are entertained
and surrendered to. My loving
and saving power is always
available, and can restore
by little or by much. Be
forward looking, receiving
constantly that which is
to be accomplished by the
working out of Our will
for each and every person
and group and initiative.
Ours the initiative and
protection and maturity
and fulfilment. Yours the
loving discipline and obedience
and watchfulness in the
things which have been shown.
Do not fear nor surrender
to weakness in any respect.
Recall. "My strength
is made perfect in your
weakness and frailty."