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February 5th
it came to pass, when the
time was come that He should
be received up, He steadfastly
set His face to go to Jerusalem………….Jesus
said," No man putting
his hand to the plough and
looking back is fit for the
Kingdom of Heaven."
Each and every human child
is a child of the Father
and must progress into life,
growing and maturing in
the Kingdom of the Father.
Many of the Father's children
are stunted and malformed
through the failures of
parents and the society
in which they were reared.
They are still the Father's
children, ministered to
through the children of
light, and the Father will
love them into His Kingdom.
Let none of the children
of light judge those who
have been deprived of light
through no fault of their
own. Let all pray and work
for them as they are shown.
In more serious condition
are the souls of those who
have seen the way and turned
from it through selfishness
or wilful perversity. Their
case is dire and they take
their soul's life into their
hands. How will they account
for themselves at the day
of reckoning? They are still
loved by the Father, yet
they have turned away from
the Father's offer of their
place in The Kingdom and
participation and preparation.
He continually entreats
and I work in and through
all human and inanimate
nature to redeem and save
and bring at last into the
Kingdom each of these erring
children.See that your hand
remains unfailingly on the
plough, your eye on the
way ahead in faithfulness.