February 6th
said," He that heareth
you heareth Me, and he that
despiseth you despiseth Me.
And he that despiseth Me despiseth
Him that sent Me."
Look for My Presence and
My message in the men and
women who bear the imprint
of My love and who reveal
loving, suffering service
in their lives. Commune
with Me in their person
and witness. From My Presence
in them and in you will
come powerful expression
of the Father's love and
the extension of His Kingdom
in their environs.
Let the meeting between
His loved, committed ones
be relaxed and joyful. So
will He lead them from strength
to strength in the power
of Our saving and strengthening
grace, by the guidance of
of Our Holy Spirit.
The Father and I are one.
The Father is in me and
I in the Father. And those
who love and obey and trust
are one in Us. I am in the
Father and the Father is
in Me..
" These things have
I spoken to you that in
Me you may have peace. In
the world you will have
tribulation. But be of good
cheer: I have overcome the