February 20th
said, "I say unto you,
'Whoever does not bear My
cross and come after Me cannot
be My disciple."
I do not say he will not
enter the Kingdom of Heaven,
for countless numbers do
good according to their
sights. But when the difficult,
painful choices are presented
to them they turn away and
do not bear the responsibility
to which they were called.
Many call Me 'Lord' and
will be surprised when at
the final reckoning they
are not counted great. Those
who are My true disciples
have more than one cross
to bear, but as life progresses
each melts into another
and there is only one. And
that is the cross of discipleship.
When My disciple embraces
this cross he finds that
it bears him, and the rest
of suffering in this life,
though often deep and poignant,
is purposeful and fulfilling.
Often this disciple finds
a well of joy and of comfort
at the centre of it. As
his eyes are fixed on the
Father, his will and intent
committed to Our loving
design for him, he purposefully
progresses to fulfilment
in Us and his part in the
establishment of Our Kingdom
on earth and in Heaven.