February 24th
said, "The man who can
be trusted in little things
can be trusted also in great……….….you
cannot serve God and Mammon."
Luke 10-13
Choice is a gift bestowed
by the Father on all His
human children - choice
to do this rather than that,
choice to love, or not,
choice to do right or wrong.
Growth lies in their making
the right choice: when they
reject love they stunt their
growth as real people, and
when they make selfish,
wrong choices of action,
they turn away from light.
There is danger in the situation
of the present generation,
for although many in every
part of the world seek to
follow the Father according
to their lights, those who
hold sway in the political
and social order of things
have lost their way - their
light has gone out. They
are serving 'the mammon
of unrighteousness'. And
they are taking the weak
with them to destruction.
Pray daily that those who
share the light in every
corner of the world may
unite in love and service
of the Father. Pray - and
let Our Holy Spirit guide
- that those who acknowledge,
love and serve the Father
may so influence the weak
and the straying that they
turn towards the light,
become faithful children
of the Father, and with
the other faithful transform
the face of the earth. This
can and will be done, first
through effectual, fervent
prayer, then through faithful
living; for the Father's
loving action and all the
company of Heaven are working
to this end.