February 16th
said ," Be ye, therefore
, ready also, for the Son
of man cometh at an hour when
ye think not."
"Hold yourself ready,
then, because the Son of Man
at the time you least expect
Him. So you must be alert."
Readiness - with faithfulness
and loving regard - is all
that is needed to fulfil
the will of the Father.
And I am continuously working
to expedite the Father's
will in the hearts and minds,
the life and experience
of Our children Often We
have to work through Our
committed ones to help and
bind up those who do not
consciously relate to Us.
Follow the guidelines already
given you to establish this
constant readiness to attend
to Us in quiet communing
or to involve yourself in
activity and planning.
"In returning and
rest you shall be saved:
in quietness and confidence
shall be your strength."
Let the inmost part of
your being, whether you
are awake or asleep, be
constantly oned with Our
Loving Presence. So shall
you find safety, service
and fulfillment.