February 29th
the Apostles said, “Lord,
increase our faith”.
And the Lord said, “If
ye had faith as a grain of
mustard seed, ye might say
to this tree, ‘ be rooted
up and replanted in the sea’,
and it would obey you at once."
Faith is the power of the
Father to accomplish in
the heart of His children
what he will. And because
of the all-embracing and
consuming love of the Father
for each child He will not
exercise this power without
the willing and loving consent
of that child. For freedom
to choose gives opportunity
for growth. Sadly, the reverse
also is true: unwillingness
and failure to choose prevents
growth and maturity; and
persistence in choosing
the wrong way results in
loss of identity, purpose,
and – if persisted
in – the soul’s
very life.
But the spark of faith
which rarely dies in the
soul of each person I fan
into flame. My light perpetually
beckons and enlightens,
so that each person is able
to take the next step or
make the next leap.
Countless millions have
progressed and are proceeding
thus, and there are not
a few sturdy souls whom
the world calls saints.
These are the children of
the Father who have rarely
hesitated or stumbled. But
when they did they let Me
place them on the way again,
rejoicing. So is there rejoicing
throughout the whole of
the Father’s Kingdom
for the fulfilment of the
soul which has persevered
in faith and triumphed in
love into the Kingdom.