Tuesday, August 9th
Ezekiel 2:8-3:4. Matthew 18:1-5

As you give yourself to Him who loved you into being so are you given to know and do the Father’s will: I speak to each and every one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters, each called to grow in the grace and power of His love, each one enabled in and through Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit as they continue faithful in the Way.

And when they fail or falter the faithful in Our love are brought back to the Father’s Kingdom and given what they seek in obedience and in love. And they are empowered to do the Father’s will in and through His love that the one and many may be encouraged, strengthened and inspired as they are given to see and know Our Presence in their mind calling one and all to follow in the Way in love and trust and absolute self-giving.