August 3rd
31 1-7.: Matthew 15:21-28
‘I have loved you with an
everlasting love: how could it be
otherwise when I have loved you
into being?’ (Jeremiah 31:3)
Even so the Father speaks to all
born into His world. And He saves
and sanctifies through My indwelling
and the light and guiding of Our
Holy Spirit all responding to His
Word and faithful in His Love. Faithfulness
is given as it is sought, and perfection
in the fulness of eternity in the
beauty of holiness and the glory
the Most High, with all made perfect
in and through Our Love, according
to the Father’s loving purpose.
Identify with the commitment of
the Son of Man to do the Father’s
will even to the end, and pray that
the good purpose of the Father’s
will be done in you and in His world
through My indwelling and the light
and guiding of Our Holy Spirit:
so will healing be given and peace
established in the minds of those
to whom We lead and direct them,
the Father’ Kingdom extended
to the one and many in His world.