August 11th
St. Clare
3:8-14. Matthew 19:27-29
‘In quietness and in confidence
shall be your strength’ in
faithfulness to the Father’s
will, continuing in the Way as you
are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit.
Love is the way - self-giving love
- and trust in the Father’s
loving purpose for you and for all
to whom We lead and guide you. I,
the Father’s Word and Love
Incarnate, speak to each and every
one of the Father’s beloved
sons and daughters who have offered
all to the Father and seek obedience
and faithfulness in the Way.
Consider the pattern of My life
and follow in My steps, led and
guided buy Our Holy Spirit. Love
is the Way, the power and the fulfilment
- love of the Father in and through
His Son, and love for your brothers
and your sisters near and far, and
action according to the Father’s
loving purpose in and through the
light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.
Abide in Me as I abide in you and
give yourself in love and trust
to Him who loved you into being.