August 6th
The Transfiguration
of the Lord Jesus Christ
7:9-10. 2 Peter 1:16-19. Luke 9:28-36
The glory of the Father, Lord and
God Most High, reveals His Son,
who also is His Love Incarnate;
prophets testify and the Word confirms
the Truth revealed to them.
The obedient to the Father’s
Word and faithful in His love are
drawn into the glory of the Most
High, for the Word revealed in Scripture
is ‘a lamp for lighting a
way until the dawn comes and the
morning star rises in your mind’.
(2 Peter 1:19).
The Father Lord Most High, speaks
to each and every one of His beloved
sons and daughters and says, ‘This
is My Son, My chosen One. Listen
to Him’. (Luke 9:35). Let
one and all – alone and in
the fellowship of meeting –
give time and place to receive and
respond according to the Father’s
will and loving purpose.
(‘At His transfiguration
Christ showed His Disciples the
splendour of His beauty to which
He will shape and colour those who
are His’. ‘He will re-form
our lowness configured to the body
of His glory’. (Philippians
3:21), (St. Thomas Aquinas , Summa