August 19th
John Eudes (1601-1680)
Pray for guidance in the way of
Truth and Light and Life, and obedience
in the Father’s will and loving
purpose through My indwelling and
the inspiration of Our loving Holy
Spirit. The Father’s Word
and Love Incarnate informs, enables
and empowers. Follow daily in the
steps of the Son of Man in obedience
and humility and offer all you have
and all you are to the Father’s
will and loving purpose. The Father,
who loves each and every one of
His beloved sons and daughters,
draws one and all into the orbit
and power of His love and into the
fellowship of the loved and loving.
‘Abide in Me as I abide in
you………and love
one another as I have loved you.
(John 15:12) through My indwelling
and the light and leading of Our
Holy Spirit.
‘Our wish , our object ,
our chief preoccupation must be
to form Jesus in ourselves, to make
His spirit, His devotion , His affections
and His disposition live and reign
there. All our religious exercises
should be directed to this end.
It is the work which God has given
us to do unceasingly’. (St.
John Eudes , The Life and Reign
of Jesus in Christian Souls).