August 24th
St. Bartholomew
21:9-14. John 1:45-51
Be assured that the names are written
in heaven of all who have responded
to the Father’s Word and continued
faithful in the Way according to
the will and loving purpose of Him
who loved them into being. The Kingdom
of the loving God, both on earth
and in heaven, is peopled by the
faithful and the true of heart who
live in Love and Love in them and
are strengthened, led and guided
by Our Holy Spirit. They are called
to become channels of their heavenly
Father’s Love and to witness
to His Word according to His loving
Keep close to Me, believing: I,
the Father’s Word and Love
Incarnate, am in the Father, He
in Me. So all who are in Me are
in the Father too. The Son of Man
has come and comes into the Father’s
world that all may have life eternal
and have it in abundance.