August 30th
1 Corinthians
210-16. Luke 4:31-37
Stand in awe of the glory, the
holiness and the love of your Lord
Creator. Worship Him with all your
heart and mind and soul, and thank
Him for His bounty, grace, and favour.
The spirit of the living God is
in all who seek His word, power
to follow in the way as they are
led and guided by Our Holy Spirit.
The will and loving purpose of Him
who loved all His beloved sons and
daughters into being is that they
should be responsive to His love,
obedient to His word - from the
greatest to the least, the powerful
and those of no account by human
‘Seek and you will find,
ask and it will be given you, knock
and the door will be opened for
you’. I, the Father’s
Word and Love Incarnate, am the
Way, the Truth the Life’:
follow in faith and trust and absolute
self-giving as you are led and guided
by Our Holy Spirit.
(Romans 11:34 Matthew 7:7. Isaiah