Friday, August 5th
Nahum 2:1-3,3,1-3,6-7, Matthew 16:24-28

Judgment is for each and every one of the sons and daughter of the Most High, King of kings, and mercy to all responding in the grace and power of His Love. There is no life save through renunciation of the self and the receiving of the light and truth We offer. All obedient to the Father’s Word and faithful in His Love are enabled and empowered to do His will as they grow in faith and self- giving and follow in the Way as they are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit. And where that suffering brings pain and even death they do but follow in the steps of the Son of\Man who gave His life that all might have life and have it in abundance.

The Kingdom of the living God is established in His world where his love is active in the heart and minds of His beloved sons and daughters, His will sought and done through Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.