January 4th
John 3:7-10. John 1:35-42
All sons of men are children
of the Father, created through
His love and called into
His Kingdom of eternal life
and light and love. To bring
you into that Kingdom, union
with Him and fellowship
with all faithfully committed
I entered human life. I,
the Father’s Son,
beloved and loving, identified
in all things save sin with
the human situation. I died
to redeem and, with and
through Our Holy Spirit,
sanctify all who turn from
sin and service of the self
in the grace and power of
Our redeeming, sanctifying
I, the Father’s Word
and Incarnate Love, am the
salvation of each one and
of the whole creation. I
call each child of man to
receive Our saving, sanctifying
love and follow as he or
she is led and guided.