January 28th
Thomas Aquinas
Wisdom 7:7-10, 15-16. Matthew
All thought and knowledge,
wisdom, understanding come
from Him Who has created,
is creating and sustains
all things in Heaven and
earth. It is given as it
is sought and it grows and
prospers as it is shared
by the sons of men, develops
and progresses the Father’s
world as it is received
in thankfulness and humility
and engaged according to
the Father’s will
and loving purpose.
But the greatest gift your
Creator-Lord seeks to bestow
is His Very Self. This is
the open secret for all
who offer all they have
and all they are to Him
in faith and trust and love
and absolute self-giving.
I, the Father’s Love
Incarnate and His Incarnate
Word, in and through Our
Holy Spirit, bring all who
are in Me and I in them
to the fulness of Eternal
Love Who is the Lord Creator
of all that was or is or
ever shall be.