January 22nd
Corinthians 4:7-16. Matthew
Your strength is made perfect
in weakness through the
grace and power of Our redeeming,
sanctifying love. Cast your
care on Him Who is creating
you and has sustained and
brought you to the present
in the knowledge and with
the promise things yet to
be revealed. Only be faithful
to the end and you will
receive the crown of life.
For I, your strength and
your redeemer, will be with
you to the end. My grace
is sufficient, My power
both means and fulfilment
in eternal life. Through
My indwelling and the light
and guiding of Our Holy
Spirit you will be brought
to fulness and perfection
as you continue faithful
in Our love. For the good
purpose of the Father’s
perfect will is fulfilled
in all faithfully committed
in Our redeeming, sanctifying