January 2nd
John 3:22-28. John 1:19-25
The Light which lightens
every one born into the
Father’s world was
in the world from the beginning,
illumining all with the
brightness of the Father’s
Presence. And the Light
and Word are substance of
the same Reality, the Source
of knowledge, meaning, wisdom,
understanding. I entered
in the Father’s world
according to His will and
loving purpose and seek
entry into every mind and
heart to illumine, lead
and be the power for progress
in the way.
I am The Way, The Truth,
The Life, The Light, The
Door, The Shepherd and The
Living Presence of Eternal
Love. I am in the Father,
He in Me and I bring all
who are in Me and I in them
to eternal life in the power
of Our saving, sanctifying