January 13th
42:1-4, 6-7. Acts 10:34-38.
Matthew 3:13-17
From Him Who created all
I came and was with Him
in all that was and is created
and in the re-creation for
eternity. I am His Surrogate
in His created world and
– through My incarnation,
life and sacrificial death
– the redeemer and
salvation of the whole creation.
And all the sons of men,
beloved sons and daughters
of the Father, are called
to be Our peace and joy,
Our justice, righteousness
and love through the grace
and power of Our indwelling.
But first there must be
a turning from sin and service
of the self and acceptance
of the gift of Our anointing.
All receiving the Incarnate
Word, Who also is the Father’s
Love Incarnate, are led
and guided by Our Holy Spirit
to become Our light and
love to others according
to the Father’s will
and loving purpose. Pray
in love and in self-giving.