January 27th
8:23-9:3. 1 Corinthians 1:10-13,
17. Matthew 4:12-23
I, the Father’s Son,
beloved and loving, in His
world from the beginning
and Co-Creator at His appointing,
entered the world of His
creation to become His power
for loving and His means
of its redemption. In all
things identifying with
His will and loving purpose
I followed, as I was led
and guided, the pattern
set before Me.
Appointed by the Father,
anointed by and in Our Holy
Spirit, I began the ministry
given Me and continued it
even to the end. And the
end was the beginning of
My eternal work and ministry,
for through My death and
risen life all committed
to the Father’s will
and loving purpose are called
to share abundant life in
Father, Son and Holy Spirit
through the grace and power
of My indwelling.
And that life is to make
whole and holy all receiving
it and to make them channels
of Our redeeming, sanctifying
love as they continue faithful
and obedient in the way.
I AM The Way, The Truth,
The Life. Ask and receive
that your joy may be full.