January 25th
Conversion of St. Paul
Acts 22:3-16. Mark 16:15-18
The Word present in the
hearts and minds of the
sons of men, alive in the
souls of those responding
in and through the power
of My indwelling, is dynamically
active through Our Holy
The Word speaks powerfully
to all who seek truth in
faith and love and absolute
self-giving, and in obedience
to the Father’s will
and loving purpose follow
as they are led and guided.
So has it been from the
beginning, so is it now
and shall be till the end
of time. All who die to
sin and service of the natural
self are raised up to glorify
the Father and serve Him
in the grace and power of
My risen life. Each one,
beloved of Me and of the
Father, is uniquely called
and blessed in the context
of the faithful of all times
and places.