January 16th
Samuel 3:1-10:19-20. Mark
All that lives receives
its life from the Father
and constantly He sustains
what He has created. He
calls into partnership in
creation the sons of men
whom He calls to develop,
protect and enjoy all He
creates and is continually
creating. The Spirit of
His love enters the heart
and mind of all who seek
to know Him and to do his
will in small things as
in great and to relate to
others in His loving purpose.
And I, His Son, beloved
and loving, entered the
Father’s world and
became His Love Incarnate
in His world that all identifying
with His word might have
eternal life and have it
in abundance. As they seek
to follow faithfully and
obediently – as they
are led and guided by Our
Holy Spirit – so do
they fulfil the Father’s
loving purpose in what they
are becoming and in the
cosmic purpose of Eternal
Love. Such is the challenge
and the glory, through My
indwelling and the light
and guiding of Our Holy