January 14th
Samuel 1:1-8. Mark.1:14-20
The Father calls His beloved
sons and daughters to fulness
and perfection in the Kingdom
of His love. And I call
to re-creation and fulfilment
according to the Father’s
will and loving purpose.
And these are not two calls
and challenges but one united,
cosmic purpose.
Respond, then, to the prize
of your high calling. You
who have rejected or ignored
the constant word within
your heart and mind turn
and relate to it. And you
who have followed without
full commitment, let the
grace and power of Our redeeming,
sanctifying love possess
you wholly.
You are offered life eternal
now, through the grace and
power of Our indwelling.
As you follow so do you
increasingly receive, and
as you receive so are you
empowered to fulfil the
good purpose of the Father’s
perfect will.