April 8th
10:34, 37-43. Colossians 3:1-4. John
You are judged by Love: rise in
the life your Saviour offers you.
The night is gone, the day is here
and the Dayspring is the life and
light of all in the Father’s
Kingdom. Rise in the power and glory
of My risen life: so shall I bring
you to the fulness of eternal life
in the Father’s Kingdom of
eternal life and light and love.
And you will be glorified in Me
in the Father’s Presence with
angels, archangels and all who have
been faithful in Our saving, sanctifying
love in the grace and power of Our
Holy Spirit.
Continue now in faith and hope
and absolute self-giving. So shall
the good purpose of the Father’s
perfect will be seen in you and
done by you through My indwelling
and the light and guiding of Our
Holy Spirit. May peace and joy be
with you now and always.