Friday, April 6th
Good Friday
Isaiah 52:13-53:12. Hebrews: 4:14-16, 5:7-9. John 18:1-19, 42

Let mind and heart be offered to the saving and redeeming love which I am and which I offer every child of man born into the Father’s world. Identify with My self-giving to the Father and pray today and every day for all who turn from the Father’s will and loving purpose for them. Pray with the Son of man for the turning of the one and many from self-destruction and refusal to accept life offered through My death and risen life.

Be with Me at the Cross today and every day and share My suffering with all who suffer in the Father’s world. So will the Father take your offering and unite it with My timeless sacrifice and you and all faithful in My saving and redeeming love will be with Me in Paradise.