Monday, April 16th
Acts 4:23-31. John 3:1-8

The Word spoken in the Father’s world since time began has spoken constantly in all times and places. The Love poured out on all the sons of men is offered to each one and to communities and peoples to give life eternal to the one and many and to endue society and international relationships with peace and justice and to enable all to take responsibility and caring action for the earth which they inherit. Our Holy Spirit gives power and fulfilment to the Father’s gifts of word and love.

I, the Father’s Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word, enter heart and mind of all who are challenged and inspired by these truths and invite and welcome Me into their lives. And I unite in fellowship and for action all committed to the cause of peace and truth and love in the Name of the Creator of All and Father of all people.

Receive and give, give and receive, beloved sons and daughters of your loving Heavenly Father.