April 27th
9:1-20. John 6:52-49
My death is life in you: your death
in Me is life eternal. Die constantly
to self that the life of My risen,
ascended glorified Presence may
fill you and progress you and bring
you to the fulness of the Father.
I am in the Father, He in Me. All
are one in Me and I bring all to
eternal life in Him all who receive
and take My death and risen life
into the centre of their inner being.
It is the Father’s will and
loving purpose that all who seek
truth in faith and love and absolute
self-giving should receive what
they earnestly desire through the
substance and the essence of My
Being. Come then, receive the power
of My triumphant death and the glory
of My risen life. So will you grow
into the fulness of the Father’s
purpose for you in His Kingdom of
eternal life and light and love.