Monday, April 2nd
Isaiah 42:1-7. John12:1-11

I who issued from the Father’s love before time was and before all things were created entered human life in time according to the Father’s will and loving purpose. Humanly I came, sinlessly I lived and I became man’s mediator and advocate with the Father. Vital it was to confront the evil issuing from sin and failure to respond to the Father’s loving purpose and I, the Father’s Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love, confronted and defeated it for all times for every child of man.

Claim My triumphant victory, beloved of Me and of the Father, turn from all that separates you from the Father’s will and loving purpose and accept from Me the garment of salvation. Then you will, in and through Me, make progress in the way and fulfil all the Father purposes for you in faithful service in the Kingdom of His love.

Share with Me the anointing for suffering and accompany, with all faithfully committed in My love, through Gethsemane to Golgotha. Through strengthening through My Presence in the Upper Room and your faithfulness in love We will bring you to the triumphant joy and glory of My redemptive death and life and light and Love Eternal.