Wednesday, April 11th
Acts 3:1-10 Luke 24:13-35

I, the Father’s Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love, show you the way through My life and teaching, and through My death liberation to follow where I lead and guide. I am the enabling and, with Our Holy Spirit the empowering, of all responding in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love. And I am the restorer of lost power to worship and to serve your loving Heavenly Father in the joy and health and wholeness of your whole being.

I, the Father’s beloved and loving Son, am His New Creation: through My death and risen life I offer you salvation and eternal life in Him for ever. Open heart and mind: receive My Presence and commit yourself to the grace and power of My indwelling. I am your viaticum, your mediator and advocate and – with Our loving Holy Spirit – bring you to the fulness of the Father.