Tuesday, April 10th
Acts 2:36-41. John 20; 11-18

Let the joy of My risen Presence be known by you and seen in you. I am the Father’s Word and Incarnate Love to every one of His beloved sons and daughters of every place and race and faith and time. But love must be received and welcomed, the word received and responded to in faith and trust if it is to be effective in the life of the one and many. There must be a turning from all that separates from the will and loving purpose of the Father.

I, the Resurrection and the Life, am present at the turning and reveal Myself as the face of love and the word of truth to all who earnestly seek Receive Me into heart and mind, welcome Me in the recesses of your soul. So will My Presence there enliven and enlighten you and reveal Our saving, sanctifying love to many according to the Father’s will and loving purpose.