Friday, April 20th
Acts 5:34-42. John 6:1-15

Take to yourselves the fruit of My redemption, beloved of me and of My Father: receive the Father’s Word within your soul that I may feed and nourish you in life eternal. For this I came into the Father’s world according to the Father’s will and loving purpose and continually come as I am welcomed and accommodated. I am the food of the wayfaring who seek the way of truth, integrity and love and commit themselves to it as they find it. I, the Father’s Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love, am the Way, the Truth, the Life. As I am increasingly take into heart and mind I flood the soul with light and life and love and I become the Father’s love to others as they continue faithful in the way.

Come, them, take, break, share and let Me bring you to the Father and to the fulfilment of his purpose for you in His love.