Sunday, April 29th
Acts 13:14, 43-52. Apocalypse 7:16-17. John 10:27-30

The word spoken by the Father to each child of man in every place and race and time is creative, for is He not creator of all that is? But it can be divisive where heart and mind are not prepared to consider or receive it when it is offered. Where it is met by culpable ignorance, inertia or the many dispositions which refuse and oppose it there will be suffering for all those who witness to it.

Take courage, all who suffer for truth’s sake. I have been there before you and suffer now in each and every one who suffers for truth’s sake as they are led and guided by Our loving Holy Spirit. And I, the Father’s Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word am His appointed shepherd, guarding, protecting and bringing them to the Father’s Presence in the fulness of eternity. I keep them safe and minister to each along the way as I am welcomed into heart and mind.

This is the Father’s Word spoken to each one of His beloved sons and daughters: listen, respond and follow.