Friday, September 7th
Coloss. 1:15-20. Luke 5:33-36

I, the Father's Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word, have been with Him from the beginning. In Me all things are and co-inhere, for so the Father wills and purposes. And I make all things new - in nature through the seasonal renewal, in man through willed co-operation of the mind and hearts of the seekers after truth in faithfulness and self-giving.

Seek understanding of this fact and truth of life and living. Pray for enlightenment, you sons of men in every race and place and dispensation. Behold, I make all things new as heart and mind are offered to All-Being and All-Loving. I speak to one, I speak to all .

As you are faithful to the Light and Life and Truth which you receive as you respond in faith and trust, obedience and in self-giving, so will you grow into the fullness of eternal life through My Indwelling in the loving , comprehensive , all-embracing purpose of the Father.