Saturday, September 22nd
1 Tim. 6:13-16. Luke 8:4-15
" Thou art attentive to the nations heart's desire, O Lord, .......that fear may never drive men from their homes again . "

Faithfulness in love will bring its own reward: is it not written " the faithful shall abide with Him in love " ? I am the Alpha and the Omega, the one Who makes all things possible and one within the loving purpose of the Father. I, the source of light and life within the Father's world bring all things to fulfilment and perfection and I unveil the truth to all the faithful and the true of heart as they remain in Us and We in them.The truth resides within the Father's heart and may be found by all who earnestly seek it. I am the Father's truth, waiting at the threshold of the soul of each child of man to be invited to reveal the joy and fullness of eternal life. And I lead all who respond in faith and in self-giving to that which his soul seeks and earnestly desires ...as they continue faithful. The Father lovingly enfolds His whole creation : He calls and challenges each one of His beloved sons and daughters to accept the gift and way of Love Eternal and to take their place in His most glorious Kingdom of eternal light and joy and in the fullness of Our Total Godhead .