Friday, September 14th
Holy Cross Day
Numbers 21:4-9. Philip. 2:6-11

The cost of man's redemption no child of man can ever know. Yet each beloved child of the loving Heavenly Father may identify with Our redeeming purpose: and so each one is called . No one is outside the call and challenge and reward: the reward is life eternal in the glorious Presence of the Father. I am the Means, the Way, the Fullness of the Father's love, and I variously come to each in the myriad dispensations and individual situations. Accept My saving love within your heart and let the imprint on your mind condition every action. So will you witness to its grace and power and wisdom through My Indwelling and the dynamic of Our Holy Spirit.

Seek Me in all things and all people, relating to My presence in the Father's world , particularly in His beloved sons and daughters ; and let Our suffering and redeeming love be witness to the Father's saving , loving purpose . And through your loving discipline of life and prayer and dedication you will be brought to fullness with all the redeemed and sanctified in the power and glory of Our Total Godhead.