Wednesday, September 26th
Cosmos and Damien
Wisdom 3:1-9. Matt. 10:28-33
Pray for the Father's world
and for all in bondage to
the power of evil and destruction.
I will deliver all who seek
the truth in love and self-giving:
nothing can destroy the
faithfully committed in
Our love. The Father has
the whole world in His powerful
and compassionate hands.
Evil may hold temporary
sway amongst the faithless
and those plotting the destruction
of their fellowmen. The
Father's righteousness and
mercy will protect to life
eternal from all who plot
and carry out their evil
deeds upon the Father's
But let all the faithfully
committed in the way of
righteousness and peace
be alert and ready to fulfil
the Father's will at all
times. They are privileged
to be His instruments of
peace and love and healing
in the Father's world. Eternal
vigilance and absolute self-giving
will bring all things to
fulfilment and perfection
through Our redeeming, saving
love as light and life and
wholeness are taken into
heart and mind in thankfulness
and praise in the process
of becoming one with All-Being
and All-Loving.