Sunday, September 30th
Amos 8:4-7. 1 Tim . 2:1-8. Luke 16:1-13

Listen, learn , and love : your Heavenly Father speaks continually in your heart and mind . I am His speech and His interpreter: be faithful and obedient to the voice and to the message . These are demanding times, challenging the total self to service and self-giving. The time is short, the way ahead uncertain .

Be generous to others in thought and word, and let your actions speak of love in action. But give by stealth and generously: all has been given you in stewardship. Be careful what you spend on self but prodigal towards others.

The way ahead is sure but often dark and menacing. The Father's Loving Word and Love Incarnate will bring all things to fulfilment according to the Father's will and glorious, loving purpose.

Only be faithful, patient, and full of love in Us. So shall We bring you to that fullness and perfection which I have promised in joy and glory unending love.