Monday, September 3rd
1 Thess. 4:13-18. Luke 4:16-30.

".........so shall we stay with the Lord for ever"
Psalm 5:3

Be open to receive the prompting of the Father's will and loving purpose even as I was throughout My earthly life. In Nazareth I identified with him the Father promised would bring liberty and insight to all seeking truth in obedience and in love. I am that life and light, that liberty and love , for am I not the Father's Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love ?

All faithful to that life and light and love are made Our witness and dynamic as they continue faithful. Each child of man is called and lovingly invited to become a member of the Father's Kingdom of Eternal Love. But each must look for his particular path and in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love strive ceaselessly to follow as he is led and guided. He will attain as he continues faithful and he will come to fullness and perfection through My enabling, loving shepherding.