Tuesday, September 25th
Ezra 6:7-8, 12,14-22. Luke 8:14-21

The Father is the Source of all that is desirable in Heaven and earth and has the key to identify the good in life and living . He offers it to every child of man from the beginning with mind and understanding to distinguish and power to grow in the fullness of maturity and wisdom. But each one is free to accept or to refuse.

All are called to faithfulness in searching for the Father's will and loving purpose , and offered light and leading in the way . Through My Indwelling and the light and the dynamic of Our Holy Spirit all things are possible within the will and loving purpose of the Father.

Through single-mindedness and self-giving the faithfully committed in Our love attain to fullness and perfection which the Father offers them. For I, the light, the life, the way, lead and restore and bring all to fulfilment in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love.

Be faithful, then and committed. Shalom.