Monday, September 24th
1:1-6. Luke 8:16-18
Be sure the Father is continually
present in His world. And
I have come from Him, His
son Beloved and loving,
His Word Incarnate and Incarnate
Love to illuminate the way
for all who seek the way
of truth and right relationship.
That Light which lightens
every child born into the
Father's world reveals dark
places of the soul and gives
the will and power to attend
to them. And it irradiates
the souls of all committed
to the Father's will and
loving purpose.
One day all will be seen
and known and understood,
for the full light of the
Father's Being will shine
on His whole world. And
the illumination will reveal
all things, for nothing
can be hidden in the Presence
of Eternal Light and Love.
All will one day be required
to show how they have profited
from the Father's gifts:
indeed , the truth will
be presented to them. Many
will rejoice, and some regret
their failures in life and
living. Pray for all the
Father's sons and daughters,
especially those who reject
the light and gifts which
they are offered.