Wednesday, September 12th
Coloss. 3:1-11. Luke 6:20-26

"..........hunt out all wickedness until thou canst find no more "
Psalm 10:15.

All life is in the Father. He it is who set all things in being. He sustains, maintains and progresses all that is and brings all to fruition. Evil is allowed within the context of His loving purpose. Such things must be and man, whom He has made to be a little lower than the angels allowed great freedom both for good and ill.

But let it be remembered that the Lord of righteousness is also the Ultimate and Reality of Love and loving. He will bring all the victims of evil action to the fullness of eternity according to their orientation and commitment. Those who destroy and plan destruction destroy themselves in their great wickedness. Pray for all who harm the Father's world that they may turn from evil and for all victims of their wickedness.

I, the Father's Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word, make all things new as individual and community seek Love and become Our love to others .

Be strong in Me.