Monday, November 6th
Phil. 2:1-4. Luke 14:12-14

Generosity and self-giving are the fruits of life in Me for each one of the followers in Our love and self-giving to the Father. So has it been from the beginning, so is it now and shall be till the end of time. As Our love flows through the faithful follower into community so is there unity of purpose and progress in eternal life for the one and for the many.

Seek only the Father's will and loving purpose in all you think and undertake and do. Here is success in life and living and the enwholing of the faithful follower and community.

The poor and frail and sick within community are a prime challenge to each follower in the way. To help and serve them is not generosity but a prime duty, commanding time and thought and substance. Such is the Father's will and loving purpose for the well being of the one and the enwholing of community.