Friday, November 24th
Apoc. 10:8-11. Luke 19:45-48

The Father's word is as a two-edged sword: piercing to the heart of truth it both attacks deceit and falsehood and all that separates the soul from love, and it defends all seeking faithfulness to that which is the source of loving-kindness and integrity.

I enter every soul which gives itself to love and righteousness. I cleanse it and I reorientate it as I am invited and allowed. Then Our Holy Spirit enters, bringing gifts enabling growth and progress in the Father's Kingdom. From this develop gifts of peace and joy, and love which is the Presence of the Godhead.

Let no committed follower in the way of righteousness and love slacken his alertness to the crisis of Love's Presence in the heart and mind. True love inevitably involves constructive judgment , but Love Incarnate is both comforter and strengthener in the pilgrimage of life .

I am The Way, The Truth , The Life , the Father's Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love . Be open and committed to this dynamic fact of life.