Monday, November 27th
Apoc. 14:1-5. Luke 21:1-4

Offer all that all may be redeemed and sanctified through Our redeeming, sanctifying love. And you will have the crown of life as you continue faithful. I speak to one, I speak to all the sons of men.

This is the Father's glorious world which He has created and continues to create in partnership with the sons of men whom He has called to fullness and perfection in the Kingdom of His love and everlasting joy. As each and all is offered to the kingship of His rule of love so is it incorporated into His loving purpose in eternity. But there must be both individual and corporate response to the offer of eternal life. Eternal life is now: let every beloved child of man confronted with this truth respond in love and self-giving to the Incarnate Word within his heart and mind that he may enter in the pattern and the purpose and the fullness of that life eternal which the Father yearns to give to all His beloved sons and daughters in His Kingdom of Eternal Love.